Gross Sales: $14,837.87
Profit: $6546.87
Refunds: -$248.78
Reimbursements: $305.19
TOTAL $6,603.28
Affiliate Earnings
Clickbank etc…: $631.59
Banked: USD$7,234.87
I’m on holiday this month and next, however I still somehow managed to increase my earnings by a grand on last month. Maybe I should take more holidays! Seriously though, this Amazon stuff is AMAZING! I mean, I used to think affiliate marketing was a good gig (before Google Penguin), but selling on Amazon is waaaaay better. The hours required to run this business are even less than affiliate marketing, and I’m even talking if you have a VA team too. It’s literally only 30 mins or less a day to maintain this business. It’s takes more time if you’re adding new products, but once you get them going, it’s nothing.
Anyway, my seller feedbacks are still increasing steadily and still on 100% positive. My products feedbacks are increasing too. I think this may be why sales are increasing. I’m going to keep mining the Amazon reviewers list for more reviews since it seems to be paying off.
I’m looking forward to getting some new products going. However, I’ve still got another month holiday in Cyprus (first world problems eh…).